Monday, May 20, 2013

Celebrating Operation Classroom with Bishop Yambasu

Carolyn, Gina, and Joe enjoy the moment. 
Celebrating 25 years with Operation Classroom as a mission focus for the United Methodists of Indiana was to be expected when Joe and Carolyn Wagner stepped aside this past month.   Their influence and tireless work with the people of Sierra Leone and Liberia will forever be remembered.   Thanks Joe and Carolyn for your unselfish leadership in a place and with people love you dearly. Gina Riendeau is thrilled to stand beside as she shares their passion for mission with others. 
On that evening Bishop Yambasu and his wife enjoyed the festive time and took time to have a photo with the members of our Ubuntu team who were present for the Operation Classroom Celebration.   Grand evening, great people gathered, and many memories revisited.   Let's pray for the future of Operation Classroom as it moves forward for we know this is where God has called us to serve. 

Bishop Yambasu, Rita Gather-Gant, Mrs. Yambasu, Vickie Newkirk and Bonnie Albert

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kono Musu and the Kissy Women's Centers

Thanks Carol for sharing a link to the wonderful article that was prepared by our Ubuntu Host Beatrice on the Women's Centers in Sierra Leone.  Our team has such fond memories of our time visiting the Kono Musu Center.  
Here we are with all of the women and a few men who are learning life changing skills. 
A special day was created just for our visit by Beatrice as our schedule was for us to be there on a Saturday.  We were welcomed with great Sierra Leonian hospitality.  
When United Methodist Women pay their Mission Pledge, it is ministries such as this that we are able to support.   The article written for the United Methodist Women's resource section of their website is under International Ministries.   More than 2000 girls and women (with a few men) have moved on to being self sufficient with the training received at these centers.  
Please consider a special gift for the Women's Desk of Sierra Leone to assist with women's and children's ministries throughout the country. These funds may be sent though the channels of giving and marked as Women's Desk of Sierra Leone.