Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Preparing for the journey

As we finalize the suitcase packing, our team continues to share resources that relate to the journey to South Korea.   Team member Helen just shared a link to a wonderful article entitled "The Struggle for a Korean Peace Treaty"  to give us some reading material on the long plane ride ahead.   I've provided a link for you to also learn more about the continued movement for peace in Korea.   Thanks for checking in on us from time to time.    

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Another Journey Begins...

Another Ubuntu Journey is ready to depart.   Ten women from California, South Carolina, Indiana, Illinois, New York, and Alabama will gather in Seoul, South Korea on Sunday, September 1.   We will meet for the first time  (face-to-face) around 8:30 p.m. at the Vabein II hotel. 

Our journey will be one of peace...being that this is the 60th anniversary of the signing of the  Armistice  after the Korean conflict between North and South Korea.  We are so thankful for the pre-planning and preparations that have been taking place for the past year for our 12 days in South Korea.   Women under the leadership of Rev. Heasun Kim from the Scranton Women's Leadership Center are the hosts for our journey and have planned a variety of experiences around the theme of Peace.  I would encourage you to follow Scranton Women's Leadership Center Facebook page as well as check in on their website.   Advocacy and training lead the women's organization in many areas of the Asian world.  
Your prayers will be much appreciated.  We are excited to be visiting a country with a very ancient history and culture.  Once a mission focus for the missionaries of the Methodist Church, the United Methodist Church in South Korea has come full circle and now the church is a mission sender bringing others to Jesus Christ through evangelism, education, and advocacy.   What a joy it will be to explore  how they see the message of Jesus in the world from a South Korean  point of view. 
I hope you will come back next week and join us from a distance on our Journey with our sisters in South Korea.    
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons(and daughters) of God.   Matthew 5:9