Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Interns Bomi and Hye-In

Our Ubuntu Journey with Scranton Women's Leadership Center and  Korean WSCS would not have been possible without the wonderful skills and hospitality extended by the interns at SWLC.  
Facebook posts from SWLC are usually interesting but the one today is especially good because it was written by Bomi Kim, one of the young women who paved the way for our visit nearly a year ago.  Here is a link to her article. 
Hye-In at the Training for GMF in Philippines
I'd also ask you to be in prayer over the next few months as our Ubuntu Journey's lead intern, Hye-In Lee, is now  preparing, itinerating over  the next few weeks, and plans to leave the first week of September  for Japan as a newly commissioned Global Mission Fellow with GBGM.   
To make it easy for you... here's her bio page on the GBGM website.  Maybe we can be a small part of her overall support by giving online to #3022012  which is her missionary code.  

I took a few photos from Hye-In Lee - Global Mission Fellow Facebook page related to her new assignment.   If you are "do" Facebook, you might want to follow her.   Who knew she was a "keyboardist" ?   She lived with us for a week and she never offered that information.    

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hye-In is a newly commissioned missionary

Hey-In and Thomas are 2 of the new 42 Global Mission Fellows.
Our Korean host for our Journey in 2013 has just been commissioned as a Global Mission Fellow...Young Adult Missionary.   Hye-In will soon report to Japan for her year of service. 

Kenneth (from Nigeria), is a recent graduate of Africa University and is excited to start his year of service.      

Monday, May 12, 2014

A little Korea Ubuntu Gathering

Mary Stitt, Hye-In Lee, Bonnie Albert, Hae Shin
Hye-In (pronounced "Hain") came to the United States for the first time to attend the UMW Assembly in Louisville, KY with a delegation of South Korean women sponsored by and encouraged by KWSCS and Scranton Women's Leadership Center.   Following the experience in Louisville, the 14 young women went to New York City to participate in a United Nations Seminar.   Most of the young women returned to South Korea after the seminar but Hye-In began another part of her journey.   She was invited to spend time with Bonnie in the northern part of Indiana, another week with Mary Stitt, and one more week with Paula Copeland near Birmingham, Alabama where she will also meet with Barbara Petry.  Following that tour she will return to New York for a bit more work and inoculations in preparation for her next venture. (That will be explained in another post.)
Yesterday was the "hand-off" to Mary Stitt in Northern Illinois where Bonnie (and driver husband Gene) and Hye-In met another teammate Hae Shin (and her husband) at a wonderful Korean restaurant.  It was great to see Hae and her husband Henry.  The "Chicago" part of the team had met Henry before departure last August.   Gene enjoyed meeting Mary again as she had been on a team with us to Cambodia in 2007.   Great evening of getting caught up on life and filling in blanks.   We just may have to do that again.  

Bonne, Gene, Hae, Hye-In, Mary and Henry after dinner at Woo Lae Oak

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Remember our visit to Ewha

The Scranton Women's Leadership Center just posted a very moving video about the short but powerful life of the young woman who is remembered by this statue.  Yu Kwan Sun's story is shared in a short docu-drama.   I hope that you will take 12 minutes to remember Yu Kwan Sun and be taken back to our Journey in September 2013.     Here's a link the Herstory , one of the pieces that SWLC has shared on its Facebook page.  
Yu Kwan Sun is remembered and honored in Korea's history for her bold
 action as a young woman. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ubuntu Zimbabwe with Jane

Ubuntu Zimbabwe stopped by Africa University and was met by Individual Volunteer Mary Beth Byrne.    Jane Dunn leads this team and visited the various clinics under the United Methodist umbrella around the country of Zimbabwe.   One stop is the clinic at Ol' Mutare located very close to Africa University.  Travel safely as you continue your journey.

Mary Beth Byrne and Ubuntu leader Jane Dunn

Ubuntu sisters 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ubuntu Korea - Sisters meet again

Bonnie and Paula - enjoying time together in Paula's home
Bonnie and her husband and several others were driving from snowy northern Indiana to Sager Brown UMCOR, Baldwin, LA for a week of volunteering.   They couldn't wait to get out of Indiana to stay ahead of the snow and arrived in Birmingham, AL for a visit with Paula on Friday evening.  

Bonnie and Paula were sisters on the Ubuntu Korea team and the plan for many months had been to stop by "on our way" to  Louisiana for a visit.   What a great hostess!   While in Birmingham, we were moved by our visit to the Civil Rights Institute located just across the street from the Baptist Church that was the focus of 3 bombings back in the late 50's and early 60's.   It is a history that we must remember in order that we will never continue those practices again.  The day was beautiful so we also went to Vulcan Park to see the huge monument made to celebrate the growth of Birmingham through the  steel and cast iron industry.   The vista from the one of the highest points in Birmingham made for some great photographs.  

Great day.  How special it was for Paula and Bonnie to be able to spend a couple of days together.   We just may have to do that again.  
We are planning on meeting in Louisville at the UMW Assembly.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

NOTE from Rev. Kim

Rev. Heasun Kim

After reading the articles from the last post, I wrote to Rev. Kim and here is her response. 

Good to hear from you!!
Happy New Year!! Our New Year is this coming Thursday. So, it will be a long weekend.
Thanks for keeping up with the Comfort Women.
Were you able to keep up with the news of the comfort women statue in Glendale, CA? It has become a Japan issue and all the signing against the statue to ask congress to remove that statue.
Anyway, we have to be clear what this is all about - using women's body as a weapon of war.
With the conservative Japanese government today, anti-Japan sentiment is again clouding the comfort women issue.
Well, keep up the good work, and look forward to seeing you at the Assembly.
Love, Heasun

Seems like I have more reading to do.   I am not aware of the issue in Glendale California.   Maybe my roommate Karen or good team member Helen might provide insight.   Back to work... Bonnie

Well, here is an article that shares the Glendale, CA controversy. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Never far from my memory

The sculpture with the pink raincoat is a replica of one in the  War and Women's Human Rights Museum. She is always there among all who gather to speak on behalf of the Comfort women each Wednesday at noon.   A "rally" has taken place weekly for over 20 years as a constant support for these women.  
Ubuntu Journey to Korea continues for me this evening...I've just read an article and watched several videos in this CNN piece on the Comfort Women of Korea.   I share with you..."Another Voice Lost "  
Another piece that you will want to read... Another victim of sexual slavery... from The Korea Times.    
Hwang's voice is now silent.   Will the voices of those who speak at the rally in the future gain strength and the attention that is desired for the comfort women in honor of Hwang and all those who have gone before her?   Sing loud Hwang for we are with you.  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Gathering of UBUNTU Sisters at Assembly

My experience with UBUNTU Journeys has been once as a team member and once as a team leader.   Two vastly different experiences and both wonderfully fulfilling.  These journeys are part of my day to day life.  How great it will be to connect with women from these two experiences in Louisville at Assembly. 

A reunion luncheon on Friday, April 24
noon to 1:30 p.m. 
A Booth in the display hall for UBUNTU Sisters

We are invited to volunteer to work a two hour shift on
  •  Friday  9:30 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. 
  •  Saturday noon through 8:00 p.m. 
If you are willing to work a two hour shift, please contact Vicki Newkirk at   and give her day and time preference.