Friday, January 16, 2015

Hye-In in Japan

Hye-In Lee and Kenneth Thomas (Nigeria)
met in the Philippines in July.  Both are
Global Mission Fellows. 
Hye-In is one busy lady these days as she continues to serve the God she loves and children in Japan.  If you are not a follower of her on Facebook, please do so.   Hye-In Lee (her personal page) and Hye-In Lee - Global Mission Fellow.  
Global Mission Fellows are looking for support for the Missionary program of the UMC.   Please note that her Missionary number is #3022012.   It is way too easy to give through an online donation and you can do so in honor or memory of others.  
Hye-In needs our prayers and would love to hear from any of you.  She's making a difference in the lives of those little ones just as she made a difference in our lives though all of the work she did making our time in Korea so special.