Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's all about relationships...

Cindy Sauffererr
I became enamored with mission trips when I traveled to Jamaica with my daughters.  It wasn’t the actual mission I fell in love with, but the people.  The connection that was created by working with the people of Jamaica toward a common goal lives on in my heart.  I found that it is something I can’t explain; it is just something you must experience.  I know that the closer I became to the people that I was working side by side with, the closer I felt to God.  There continues to be a yearning to grow those relationships.
I experienced, what I thought at first was, complete failure this past summer at our School of Christian Mission as I participated in the Haiti study.  We were to identify a need, formulate a solution, and write a grant for $25,000 for the people of Haiti.  I was completely stumped; I did not know where to start.  I sat there with all the books and information about Haiti and how the people were suffering right in front of me, but for the life of me I could not come up with a project.  I spent 3 days worrying, fretting and hoping that I would figure out just how I could help them.  It wasn’t until the morning my assignment was due that it became clear.  I needed to talk with the people of Haiti, to be in relationship with them and then work together.  Then, and only then could I move forward, hmmm-Ubuntu?  
This journey will prove to be full of experiences of God’s love as we open our hearts to the daughters of Sierra Leone.  


  1. Hi Cindy,
    I just love your "story" and know you have been chosen for this Ubuntu Journey to Sierra Leone for a greater purpose. You will be in my prayers and I can't wait to hear your stories when you get back home!

    Jeanie Blankenbaker

  2. I totally enjoyed your statement about missions. It made my heart smile about your honesty in how to serve and how God helped you get to the relationship reminder, this is love thread is your, mine and our gift from God. This was truly an inspiring share. Thank you. The Journey continues...God bless you and the team.
