Saturday, November 10, 2012

Seeing God

Sally Vonner
This is my first travel experience to the continent of Africa.  I am excited about the opportunity to journey with our sisters in Sierra Leone and to form bonds of love with my Ubuntu sisters.  What a gift!  Although anxiously awaiting the journey, I realize that much preparation is required.  At the same time I am reminded of the bible story where Jesus sends the disciples out two by two with only the minimum of needs and an open heart to give and receive God’s blessings through others on their journey.  I pray that we go with our preparations but more importantly with an open heart to give and receive God’s blessings through others on the journey.
What experiences will transform me? This is the question I carry in my heart to Sierra Leone.  I go expecting and wanting to be transformed more into the likeness of Christ.  Will it be through encounters with the women, the children, the communities we travel?  I’m sure all of these obvious possibilities but again I pray for openness to see God in whatever way God chooses to reveal God’s self to me…in the ordinary and extraordinary.  Likewise, I pray I am that witness of God’s tangible grace to others, that God’s light shines through me to brighten their day.  My prayer, Lord open my eyes to see you in the ordinary and the extraordinary, let my light and the light of my sister Ubuntu sojourners, reveal you and not us as we journey with your people, our sisters and brothers, of Sierra Leone. Amen.


  1. Hi Sally,
    You will be in my prayers as you travel to Sierra Leone with your fellow Ubuntu Sisters! It's a great group of UMW and you'll certainly be blessed along the way!

    Jeanie Blankenbaker

  2. Hi Sally,

    So glad this was the best season to have this journey! God does some amazing set ups! May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you in this newest opportunity to please Him and serve others. This is exciting!!! May God indeed answer your prayer and the prayers of your sister Ubuntu sojourners. It so beautiful because I am sure some similiar prayers have been lifted up in Sierra Leone for your group and how the brothers and sisters of Sierra Leone continue in their own longing to please God as well. It is the making of a great exchange to celebrate God and His work. Prayers abound, Isaiah 26:3, Alicia Pitterson
